Analytic Code

Saturday 17 March 2012


Brand new Google brings us the day the +1 button. I think in future this will become Google +1 Button still a lot of importance, so that it can not hurt now already installed the Google +1 button on the website. There are a few tutorials for it already, but the most detailed explanation as well as the features and gadgets around the +1 button, I found only on Google itself.

In principle, the installing of Google +1 button on website and hard in the WordPress blog is not. I think it needs a plugin for it, since this button is only a few lines of code together. So there is a generator of Google, with the code for the +1 button can be generated according to preference.

Code for the Google +1 Button

First, it takes a short JavaScript, so the Google +1 button can be inserted and, above all, work. The installation of this javascripts recommend either in the head area or at the very bottom of the page in the footer before the . I chose the latter more so for the footer decided, as this can have a positive impact on the load times. Thus, while inviting the Google +1 button to click the last page, but hardly anyone is so fast that he had not yet loaded at that time.
The Javascript code for the German Google +1 button looks like this:

Click Here src="">
{lang: 'en'}

Google +1 button on Google Analytics track

From the tracking of Google +1 buttons on Google Analytics is possible. A good guide for that I have found Yoast. I personally think the whole thing is a workaround, and Google is even working on a automatic or recommended solution for tracking the +1 button. As I have learned in this regard is an update of Analytics at home.

Who does not want to wait for the update, but now the Google Analytics tracking will implement its Google +1 button, which is the above mentioned instructions from Yoast to heart. For those who do not speak the English language, following a brief summary:
Be created in the Google +1 button has an ID code for the callback function, eg

In addition to the callback ID is needed then a short javascript which tells Google Analytics, to track the +1 button as an event: